Brad Pitt allegedly apologises to Jennifer Aniston ...

The actor famously left the Friends star after meeting Angelina Jolie on the set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, but since splitting from Angelina last year he is reportedly determined to right any wrongs he made in the past.

A source told In Touch Weekly: “He’s been determined to apologise for everything he put her through, and that’s exactly what he did.

“It was the most intimate conversation Brad and Jen have ever had.”

The apology was reportedly incredibly difficult for Jennifer, 48, to hear after all these years.

“Jen was overcome with emotion. All the hurt feelings and resentment she’d suppressed for years came flooding to the surface, and she broke down in tears,” the source revealed.

“He apologised to Jen for being an absentee husband, for being stoned and bored much of the time. He also made amends for leaving her for Angelina.”

It’s thought the former couple have now reached a ‘level of closeness’ they never thought possible following their bitter split in 2005.

 from the Sun UK.

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