Mmesoma, and the Forge UTME JAMB Results (I am Incapable of doing this )

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remember those days when you stole a common ‘fowl’ in the streets, fought with the school teacher in primary schools, abuse a colleague in primary/secondary schools & nothing can happen: Those days are over! There’s a new sheriff in town. It is called Social Media (SM) & its Director - CAMERA! — Get Serious Folks! Know this! Understand this! Ye are No Longer Free! . It is really easy to lie to strangers, cause you can afford to be that version of your imagination. It is very easy to lie to a stranger about the life and money you need when you need to Lie to a friend. The stakes are different! Mmesoma, just admitted to Forging her UTME JAMB results post to her previous video of she saying she is incapable of forging her results. Her Dad apologized, I know you and, and you really wanted Mmesoma to be right, once again, your days of ...