Collette Orji - I Don't Think I Really Want To Marry Again! Too Much Marriage/Divorce Scandals... Am Done...

I Don't Think I Really Want To Marry Again! Too Much Marriage/Divorce Scandals...

I can hear someone saying this right now, or some group of girls/guys in some corner having their group topic so I decided to ask?

How many of us have stopped having sex as single women/men knowing fully well that we are Christians and sex before marriage is a sin according to the bible?

How many of us have stopped sleeping with married men/women, or we have not yet been exposed?

How many of you have stopped lying knowing fully well that lying could lead you to hell?

How many of you are pregnant now and even with all the pains are preparing for baby no 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6?

How many of you have stopped doing that thing that your really really know it's wrong yet, you still indulge in it?

Shut Up Please ......Mind Your Focus!

The List goes on and on...Life can be very hard , and the fact that something is wrong somewhere should not make us loose hope....come on how many of you are in a party dancing Flavor right now and how many of you are in the hospital with a sick family member?

collette orji © 2017

This is life and this is is just what it is!

So, stop being unnecessarily sarcastic, unrealistic and still focus on what you want.

The news you read about on 10 persons is still less than 5% of the masses.

Babies are born everyday, babies die everything.

Don't forget to dress well and go out somewhere and show up, because Miracles are happening everyday out there!You make Your Miracles - Remember That!

Don't also forget to Invest in your selves and focus and be prosperous.

Thank You...#ToMoreThanWeCanBe

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