Cameroons' Acclaimed' Martin Luther 'Honorable Wirba Joseph' Is On Facebook,Twitter And Instagram...

This will enable me reach out to you and participate in your determined push for our freedom.

My Dear Sisters and Brothers,
The struggle of the people of West Cameroon is on course.
I wish to welcome all of you to my new official Facebook page. You can also join the #WirbaForce on Twitter (@HonWirbaJoseph) and Instagram (@WirbaJosephM).

This will enable me reach out to you and participate in your determined push for our freedom.
Let me take this opportunity to thank all of you, on behalf of our people, and from the bottom of my heart, for all your prayers, support, and unquestionable commitment towards our struggle.

I will also want to inform you that after I led the persistent hard push on the colonial government, their brutal military forces came searching for me. The order for my arrest was given by the Secretary General at the presidency of Cameroon in agreement with the Minister of Interior and designated the Chief of Police, Mbarga Nguele to execute.

There were two names in that arrest order: WIRBA JOSEPH, SDF MP and AYAH PAUL ABINE! The execution date was January 20th, 2017! The Cameroon government's goal was to stop me from reaching Kumba, in the South West Region where I was to lead a follow up rally after the one in Kumbo, North West Region!
The manhunt for me was thus launched and I am sure their main target was to assassinate me.

My experience from the 1990s when we fought in the streets to ensure the SDF party survived the brutal onslaught of our oppressors, helped me stay ahead of my hunters.

My immediate goal was to stay safe in order to continue the fight for our freedom. All you need to know for now, is that l am safe and despite the overwhelming challenges of life on the run, my spirits are very high because of my firm belief that the time to seize our freedom is now!

We will remain vigilant and smart in our strategies.

My brothers and sisters, l will not sleep, rest or have any peace as long as some our children lie dead and others hospitalized from the brutal guns of our oppressors; as long as some of our brothers and sisters are in jail, on the run, in hiding, or violently forced into exile!

How can l have any respite when millions of West Cameroonians at home live the daily misery of man-made poverty under violent government oppression?
For now, social media presents a convenient forum, especially to those of you in the diaspora with unlimited access.

It presents an opportunity for you and I to connect, communicate, and forge a stronger and united team to resist oppression and take back our freedom.
I will continue to remain honored by your commitment, participation and prayers.

Please feel free to share any communiques that are published on my page to as many sympathizers and supporters as you can to help advance our cause for freedom.
I wish you all good health and God's abundant blessings.
Stay blessed

coco's note:

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